V15 - Session #20 - Module 6 - Series - Part 1 & 2 (Until n and until nth term)

Session #20: Wednesday, 2nd December 2020, 6.00am to 7.45am

What are the programs done in today's class?

--> Six programs from Module 6 Series - Part 1 Until n

--> Six programs from Module 6 Series - Part 2 Until nth term.

What is the Assignment?

--> Do all the 12 programs in your assignment book and on blueJ.

How to submit the assignment?

--> Take a pic of all the 12 programs written in assignment book, convert into one pdf and upload it in google classroom by 9pm, Sunday, 6th December 2020.

When is the next class?

Wed, 9th December 2020, 6.00am to 7.45am


Saravanan Ganesh

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