V15 - Session #05 - Module 2 - Sequential Programming - Part 3 - Dynamic Initialization

*Session #05: Wed, 29th July 2020, 6.00am to 7.45am*


  1. Formula to calculate the roots of Quadratic Equation
  2. What is a class?
  3. What is an object?
  4. Why is class called an object factory?
  5. How to create an object of a pre-defined class?
  6. How to create an object of Scanner class?

*Programs done in today’s class:*

  1. Program to calculate the roots of quadratic equation (both in book and bluej)
  2. Program to accept two integers and find the sum.
  3. Program to accept two floating point numbers and find its difference.

*Assignment Programs:*

  1. Program to accept two integers from user and find the sum, difference, product, quotient and remainder.

Use double data type for the following programs

  1. Program to accept the side of a square and calculate its area. 
  2. Program to accept the length and breadth of a rectangle and calculate its area. 
  3. Program to accept the radius of a circle and calculate its area.
  4. Program to accept the base and height of triangle and calculate its area.
  5. Program to accept the three sides of triangle and calculate its area.
  6. Program to accept the radius of a sphere and find its volume and surface area.
  7. Program to accept the temperature in Fahrenheit from the user and convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.
  8. Program to accept the temperature in Celsius from the user and convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  9. Program to accept angle in degrees from the user and convert angle measured in degrees to radians.
  10. Program to accept angle in degrees from the user and convert angle measured in radians to degrees.
  11. Program to accept the coefficients of a quadratic equation and find its roots.

[Do the assignments in a separate note book (Assignment Note Book). And send the pics of the written programs to my WhatsApp 7676012222 before this Sunday]

[After writing the programs in the assignment book, then practice these programs along with programs done in today’s class on BLUEJ]

*Next Class*

Wednesday, 5th August 2020, 6am to 7.45am


_Saravanan Ganesh_

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