ESOC38 - Session #04 - Arithmetic Operations - Design a calculator

Session #04: Thursday, 29th October 2020, 8pm to 9.30pm

What are the theory topics covered?

--> Sequential Programming

--> Taking the input from the user - input(), int(), float()

--> To find the square root - First import math --> then use the function math.sqrt(x)

What were the programs done in this session?

# 401. Program to accept the name from the user and display a welcome message

# 402. Program to accept first name, middle name and last name and display the full name

# 403. Program to accept two numbers from user and find the sum

# 404. Program to accept two floating point numbers and find the difference

# 405. Program to accept two floating point numbers and find the product

# 406. Program to accept two integers and find the quotient and remainder

What are the assignment programs?

# 451. Complete the ludo board if you haven't done.

# 452. Program to accept side of a square and find the area of square

# 453. Program to accept length and breadth of a rectangle and find the area of rectangle

# 454. Program to accept base and height of a triangle and find the area of triangle 

# 455. Program to accept two sides of a right angled triangle, calculate the hypotenuse

#   and then calculate the area of right angled triangle.

# 456. Program to accept radius of a circle and calculate the area of circle.

When is the next class?

Tuesday, 3rd November 2020, 8pm to 9.30pm


Saravanan Ganesh

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