ESOC38 - Session #02 - Variables, Colors, Chessboard

*Session #02: Thursday, 22nd October 2020, 8.00pm to 9.30pm

What were the theory topics we did in this session?

--> Multiple shapes in one program

--> Variables

--> Colors - functions - color(), begin_fill(), end_fill()

What were the programs done in this session?

#201. Python program to draw a red square and blue rectangle

#202. Python program to draw a red square, blue rectangle, green triangle, magenta circle 

#203. Python program to draw a red square with green border

#204. Python program to draw white square and black square one after the other

#205. Python program to draw white, black, white and black square one after the other using variables

#206. Python program to draw first row of a chessboard

What are the assignment programs?

#1. Draw a colorful dreamhouse.

#2. Draw a chessboard.

When is the next class?

Tuesday, 27th October 2020, 8pm to 9.30pm IST


Saravanan Ganesh

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