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JAVA - Module 04 - Iterative Programming - Simple Loops
Part 1 - Simple while loop programs(printing)
INTRO (6:18)
PGM01 - Program to print five stars (26:03)
PGM02 - Program to print first five natural numbers (16:25)
PGM03 - Program to print first n natural numbers (17:51)
PGM04 -Program to print numbers from 6 to 10 (5:57)
PGM05 - Program to print numbers from m to n (5:06)
PGM06 - Program to print numbers from 5 to 1 (9:37)
PGM07 - Program to print EVEN numbers from 1 to 10 (3:33)
PGM08 - Program to print EVEN numbers from 1 to n (2:28)
PGM09 - Program to print ODD numbers from 1 to 10 (1:47)
PGM10 - Program to print ODD numbers from 1 to n (3:18)
PGM11 - Program to print EVEN numbers from 1 to 10 (use if inside while) (18:19)
Part 2 - Simple while loop programs(finding sum and product)
INTRO (1:55)
PGM01-Java Program to find the sum of first 5 natural numbers (19:20)
PGM02 - Java Program to find the sum of natural numbers from 6 to 10 (18:29)
PGM03 - Java Program to find the sum of first n natural numbers (12:53)
PGM04 - Java Program to find the sum of even numbers from 1 to n (17:53)
PGM05A - Java Program to find the sum of odd numbers from 1 to n (11:30)
PGM05B - Java Program to find the sum of odd numbers from 1 to n (15:21)
PGM06 - Java Program to find the sum of odd numbers from m to n (10:17)
PGM07 - Java Program to find the sum numbers from 1 to 20 which are divisible by 3 (6:45)
PGM08 - Java Program to find the product of first five natural numbers (10:48)
PGM09 - Java Program to find the product of numbers from 6 to 10 (9:09)
PGM10 - Java Program to find the factorial of n (10:25)
PGM11 - Java Program to find the factorial of n (10:57)
PGM12 - Java Program to find the double factorial of n (8:50)
PGM13 - Java Program to find the triple factorial of n (6:34)
Part 4 - Simple for loop programs
INTRO (1:48)
INTRO - Syntax of a for loop (9:58)
PGM01 - Program to print five stars (13:32)
PGM02 - Program to print first 5 natural numbers (8:33)
PGM03 - Program to print first n natural numbers (10:12)
PGM04 - Program to print numbers from 6 to 10 (2:02)
PGM05 - Program to print numbers from m to n (3:02)
PGM06 - Program to print numbers from 5 to 1 (5:21)
PGM07 - Program to print numbers EVEN numbers from 1 to n (3:16)
PGM08 - Program to print numbers ODD numbers from 1 to n (1:19)
PGM09 - Program to print numbers EVEN numbers from 1 to 10 (USING if INSIDE for LOOP) (10:26)
PGM10 - Program to print numbers ODD numbers from 1 to 10 (USING if INSIDE for LOOP) (1:21)
PGM11 - Program to print numbers numbers divisible by 3 from 1 to 20 (using if inside for loop) (3:03)
PGM12 - Tricky output program (4:55)
Part 5 - Simple for loop programs(finding sum and product)
INTRO (1:44)
PGM01 - Program to find the sum of first 5 natural numbers (19:02)
PGM02 - Program to find the sum of first n natural numbers (4:37)
PGM03 - Program to find the sum of EVEN numbers from 1 to n (24:24)
PGM04 - Program to find the sum of ODD numbers from 1 to n (3:48)
PGM05 - Program to find the sum of ODD numbers from m to n (1:31)
PGM06 - Program to find the sum of all numbers from 1 to n which are divisible by 3 (2:33)
PGM07 - Program to find the PRODUCT of first 5 natural numbers (8:38)
PGM08 - Program to find FACTORIAL of n (10:05)
PGM09 - Program to find DOUBLE FACTORIAL of n (4:39)
PGM10 - Program to find TRIPLE FACTORIAL of n (2:56)
OUTRO (1:38)
PGM08 - Program to find FACTORIAL of n
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