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JAVA - Module 02 - Sequential Programming
Part 1 - Arithmetic Operations
Java program to print Hello World (6:29)
Java program to print Hello World on BlueJ (7:35)
Java program to print your name (2:33)
Java Program to find the sum of two numbers (11:29)
Java Program to find the difference of two numbers (4:17)
Java Program to find the product of two numbers (2:11)
Java Program to find quotient of two numbers (3:13)
Java Program to find the remainder of two numbers (2:08)
Java Program to find the sum, difference, product, quotient and remainder of two numbers (3:59)
Part 2 - Mathematical Expressions to Java Expressions - Static Initialization
M1 P2 INTRO (0:56)
Java program to find the area of a square (4:01)
Method to find x to the power y (4:44)
Java program to find the area of a square using pow() (1:01)
Java program to find the area of a rectangle (2:25)
Java program to find the area of a circle (4:56)
Java program to find the area of a triangle (2:30)
Method to find square root of a number (6:09)
Java program to find the area of a triangle whose three sides are given (3:21)
Java program to find the volume and surface area of a sphere (4:25)
Java program to convert temperature from fahrenheit to celsius (3:18)
Java program to convert temperature from celsius to fahrenheit (2:09)
Java program to calculate Compound Interest (5:11)
Java program to swap two variables (4:45)
Summary (2:14)
Part 3 - Mathematic Expression to Java Expressions - Dynamic Initialization
Java program to find the area of a square (2:43)
Java program to find the area of a rectangle (5:09)
Java program to find the area of a circle (4:05)
Java program to find the area of a triangle whose base and height are given (2:51)
Java program to find area of a triangle whose three sides area given (5:32)
Java program to find the volume and surface area of a sphere (5:16)
Java program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (2:44)
Java program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (3:14)
Java program to calculate the Simple Interest (3:05)
Java program to calculate the Compound Interest (3:14)
Java program to convert from angle measured in degrees to radians (3:07)
Java program to convert angle measured in radians to degrees (2:14)
Java program to calculate the nth repunit (6:25)
Java program to calculate nth mersenne number (4:47)
Java program to swap two variables (7:32)
Java Program to find the sum, difference, product, quotient and remainder of two numbers
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