Session #01 - Install IDLE, type and run a simple python programs

Session #01: Tue, 15 Dec 2020, 6pm to 7.30pm

How to install python in Windows:

1. Open Chrome browser

2. Type in the address bar

3. Press enter key

4. Hover your mouse on Downloads

5. Click on Python latest version and download

6. Install the downloaded package

7. Click on close

7. Close the chrome browser

8. Search and open IDLE

Test if python is working.

Test 1. You should see three arrows >>>

Test 2. Type 3 + 5 and press enter key

Test 3. Type 3 - 5 and press enter key

Test 4. Type 3 * 5 and press enter key

Test 5. Type 10 / 4 and press enter key

Test 6. Type 10 % 4 and press enter key

Test 7. Type 2 ** 5 and press enter key --Ans. 32

Programs done in the class

Pgm101. Program to print Hello

Pgm102. Program to draw square

Pgm103. Program to draw rectangle

Assignment Programs

Pgm104. Program to draw triangle

Pgm105. Program to draw staircase


Saravanan Ganesh

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