Session #04 - Sequential Programming - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Quotient, Remainder, Area of Square, Rectangle, draw rectangle

Session #04 - Wed, 16 Dec 2020, 8pm to 9.30pm


--> Take input from user - input()

--> Convert string into integer - int()

--> Convert string into floating point number - float()

Programs done in this session

#401. Python program to add two numbers

#402. Python program to find the difference of two numbers

#403. Python program to accept two numbers from user and find the sum

#404. Python program to accept two numbers from user and find the difference

#405. Python program to accept two numbers from the user and find the product

#406. Python program to accept two numbers from the user and find the quotient

#407. Python program to accept two numbers from the user and find the remainder

#408. Python program to accept side of square and calculate its area.

#409. Python program to find the area of rectangle

#410. Python program to accept length, breadth and color of a rectangle.

#Calculate the area of rectangle and also draw the rectangle with accepted color

Assignment Programs

--> Draw a Ludo Board

How to submit the assignment

--> Upload the .py file and the image of the output

Next Class

Monday, 21st December 2020, 8pm to 9.30pm


Saravanan Ganesh

Complete and Continue  