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JAVA - Module 12 - Arrays
​Part 1 - Theory - One Dimensional Array (1D)
THEORY-01 - Why arrays? (4:12)
THEORY-02 - What is an array? (9:06)
THEORY 03 - Declare an array of floating point, character and boolean array (5:19)
THEORY 04 - Declare an array Strings (3:46)
THEORY 05 - Errors and exceptions while declaring (4:23)
THEORY 06 - Static Initialisation of an array during declaration (4:52)
THEORY 07 - Find the sum of all array elements (6:33)
THEORY 08 - Display array elements (4:20)
THEORY 09 - Arrays Summary (6:22)
THEORY 10 - Best Practices (2:49)
Part 2 - Very simple programs on 1D Array
INTRO (1:17)
PGM01 - Program to declare, initialize, calculate sum and display sum along with the array elements (10:07)
PGM02 - Program to declare, Initialize , calculate sum of array elements at even index and the display the sum (3:07)
PGM03 - Program to declare, initialize, calculate sum of array elements at ODD index and the display the sum (3:28)
PGM04 - Program to declare an array of 10 floating point numbers use double data type, find the sum of all array elements at odd index and even index and display them. (12:54)
PGM05 - Program to accept an array of integers from the user as a function parameter, find the sum of all even array elements and display the sum. (7:46)
PGM06 - Program to accept an array of integers from the user as a function parameter, find the sum of all odd array elements and display the sum. (2:18)
PGM07 - Program to accept an array of integers( as a parameter), find the sum of all odd array elements and sum of all even array elements and display them. (0:50)
PGM08 - Program to read 10 numbers from user and store it in an array and display them. (9:33)
PGM09 - Program to read n numbers from user and store it in an array, find the sum and display the sum along with array elements (11:56)
PGM10 - Program to input an array of n integers and find the sum of all the even elements. (2:21)
PGM11 - Program to input an array of n integers and find the sum of all the odd elements (0:45)
PGM12 - Program to input an array of n integers and find the sum of all even elements and odd elements separately (0:49)
OUTRO (1:22)
Part 3 - Complex programs on 1D Array
PGM01 - Program to find the quadruple of each element of an array (6:59)
PGM02 - Program to replace even array elements with its square and odd array elements with its square root (5:27)
PGM03 - Program to generate 10 fibonacci series using arrays (10:06)
PGM04 - Program to generate n tribonacci numbers using arrays (4:43)
PGM05 - Program to reverse an array of n integers and store it in a new array (12:50)
PGM06 - Program to reverse an array of n integers and store it in the same array (11:40)
PGM07 - Program to find the highest marks along with its index (12:08)
PGM08 - Program to find the lowest marks along with its index (3:28)
PGM09 - Program to find the highest and lowest marks along with its index (3:57)
PGM10 - Program to merge two arrays (13:58)
PGM11 - Program to merge two arrays (9:54)
Part 4 - Searching & Sorting Techniques on 1D Array
PGM 01 - How does Linear Search work? (8:51)
PGM 02 - Linear Search by accepting array and key as a parameter (1:47)
PGM 03-A - How does Binary Search work? (8:47)
PGM 03-B - How does Binary Search work? (15:20)
PGM 03-C - How does Binary Search work? (4:48)
PGM 04 - Bubble Sort an array of n integers (22:15)
PGM 05 - Selection Sort an Array of n integers (41:27)
Part 5 - Two Dimensional Array
INTRO-01 - Introduction to 2d array - Theory (21:30)
INTRO-02 - Introduction to 2d array - Execute one program on BlueJ (15:20)
PGM01 - Program to find the SUM of two matrix (8:01)
PGM02 - Program to find the DIFFERENCE of two matrix (4:42)
PGM03 - Program to find the PRODUCT of two matrices (18:31)
PGM05 - Program to find the sum of BOUNDARY elements (4:51)
PGM06 - Program to find the sum of INNER elements (4:01)
PGM07 - Program to find the sum of EACH ROW and EACH COLUMN (6:17)
PGM04 - Program to find the sum of PRINCIPAL and SECONDARY DIAGONAL elements (5:18)
PGM08 - Program to find the TRANSPOSE of a m x n matrix (4:44)
PGM02 - Program to declare, Initialize , calculate sum of array elements at even index and the display the sum
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